Chapter 16+17 are up

Hey guys sorry for the delay, everyone on our team had been busy with  Ap’s and finals and the likes. But good news is I’ll be doing a triple release in the next 48 hours to make up for it so,  stay tuned. You can find chapter 16 here. Enjoy!

Chapter 12 and 13 are up

Here are the two promised chapters of the week. Sorry I posted so late. I have been very busy with AP tests and stuff, ugh. Anyways you can find chapter 12 here. ENJOY!!!

P.S for those that actually read these blog posts, I have now started doing teaser chapters. I will try to maintain them consistently, but pardon me if I forget.

Not a Chapter Sorry

Hey guys, just a heads up. I’ve felt that the currency in the novel is getting to confusing, so I modified the terms for currency. We will now refer to money as taels instead of centigram. Also just a heads up when the book says a cracker or nugget (we will only be using nugget from now on), it is just referring to a single coin which is equal to the value of a tael.

Basically: Taels=Liangs=nuggets=crackers=coins. Don’t worry we will only be using taels coins and nuggets from now on.

Comment if you have questions.

Chapter 10 and Some Updates and New Terms

Yay chapter 10 is out, you can find it here. Ok, now I have some good news, and some bad news. The good news is all chapters up to the current one have been edited, there is also now a next chapter button on the bottom of each page, and lastly we have built a small stockpile. The bad news is our editor is currently a bit behind our translations due to him needing to look back on the old chapters. He is working as fast as he can to catch up, so please bear with it (not to mention we still want to enlarge our stockpile a bit more), so the chapter release will still be 2 chapters a week (unless there is some event we want to celebrate). Lastly the hiatus is officially over. Sorry for the delay, we kinda procrastinated a bit and ended up not making a release sooner. I apologize for that. ENJOY!!!


Oh yeah and p.s I kinda forgot to mention some of the terms have been sightly changed, the most notable would be the Immortal/Dao cultivation realms, so take a look at the glossary for those.


Hey guys, don’t worry we are still translating, however, due to our editor being a bit busy, chapters have been backed up. He will be going through them soon though. Also since it has come to this, we have also decided that we will have the back up chapters be the start of our stockpile, so stay tuned. Sponsored chapters may come shortly. Two chapters will be released in 2 days tops though.